About Non Prescription Weight Loss Products

A lot of consumers never fail to question the effectiveness and safety of non prescription weight loss products. Since there are a lot of non prescription weight loss products available, it can be hard to keep track on which ones are really safe and effective from those that are not.

Non prescription

Non prescription medication simply means that you can buy them without a prescription from your doctor. Another term for these is "over-the-counter" or OTC. One must take caution if they are buying over-the-counter products to ensure safety. Here is an overview on some of the most popular non prescription weight loss products you can find in the market today.

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Orlistat is the active ingredient of OTC weight loss products products like Xenical and Alli. It works by preventing your body from absorbing the fat from the foods that you love to eat. It disposes of the fat through bowel movement and has been approved by the FDA.

Side effects of orlistat

However, the common side effects are mostly gastrointestinal like oily stool, diarrhea, bloating, and excessive gas. It may also prevent your body from absorbing vitamins that are fat soluble like vitamins D, A, K, and E.

Hoodia gordonii

A lot of new herbal non prescription weight loss products contain the ingredient from the Hoodia gordonii plant called P57, which helps in suppressing your thirst and your appetite. However, since it takes years to cultivate the plant, products that contain genuine hoodia are rather expensive.


Ephedrine is known to be an effective appetite suppressant and fat burner. However, when buying non prescription weight loss products that contain ephedrine, you should be aware of its side effects. Many products that contain ephedrine has been taken out of the market by the FDA because of its severe side effects that include stroke, heart attack, seizures, and death.

Buy at your own risk

It is still important to consider having a proper diet and doing regular physical activity even when taking weight loss products to enhance their effects. Furthermore, have yourself evaluated by your doctor first before taking any weight loss product even if they do not come with a prescription.

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